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April 18, 2006

What About Hirp

First, not sure why the page is now in italics. Kinda bugging me. Might need to work on fixing that tonight. Oh wait, tonight is poker. Sah-weeeeet! Love me some poker. And I haven't played in like a month. So far this year, the frequency of my poker playing has dropped. I don't think I'm real happy about it. Haven't gone to any free games. Been to the boats a couple of times, didn't have much or well any success. But tonight, OST #3 mudder fudders.

Anyway, this past Sunday ABC aired a new show. "What About Brian," like I needed something else on Sunday nights. Luckily it's real night will be Mondays. But the show has the goods. Seems to be the new thirtysomething. But I didn't watch that cause, well I was a kid and that was some old fart shit then. But what we have here is a show about a group of friends. All either married or in about to me, and the one bachelor friend surprisingly named Brian. Who gets to be the well, 7th wheel. Gee, don't see how I'll be able to relate to this show. And there's a new hottie who may soon crack the top 10. Sarah Lancaster, who according to my research (imdb) was actually born in KS. One report says KCK, the other OP. By the looks of her, I'm betting OP. And she's more than welcome to come back. Anyway, the show. Has enough girly stuff going on for girls to like it. It's honest enough about what guys say and do, that maybe women shouldn't watch it. Definitely a show that in time, everyone will be watching, and only women will admit to. Just hope it doesn't go over the top with the soap opera crap. JJ Abrahms, who now owns Hollywood, is the man behind this and after my stamp approval I think its safe to say he has another winner. Even though I never watch Lost or Alias, it's pretty obvious from their followings this guy doesn't make flops. He's a popcorn version of Sorkin.

"I live in my own mind, aint nothing but a good time, no rain just sunshine out here in my own mind" Lyle Lovett

"I'm swimming in raw sewage and I LOVE it" Naked Gun


Porqchop said...

Stalker. Don't forget my entry fee tonight.

Gregg said...

Stalker? No. I retired that hat years ago.

Porqchop said...

Bring me my money... and a pot pie.