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April 29, 2006


So I just saw some folks wearing these tee shirts, something about crawl for cancer. I heard a little about it the other day. It's a pub crawl to raise money for cancer research. What makes this something worth posting about? Well they were rockin' their tee's that were for such a good cause, as they lit up their cigarettes. Crawl for cancer, light up a camel? It's good that they were so into this cause. And really, being that it was a pub crawl and 90% of anyone in a bar is smoking, what do you think is more likely. They actually raised some money for a good cause, or they raised their own chances of getting cancer? Makes about as much sense as getting a bunch of Jews to start a kosher krawl through pubs in Alabama or Mississippi. Great cause, not gonna get any results other then death or pain.


Porqchop said...


Gregg said...

Nope no pictures.

I was gonna goto the peace walk but I had an NRA rally to goto

Gregg said...
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